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Menu Plan Monday: May 3-8 – Frugal Novice

Menu Plan Monday: May 3-8

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I have to admit that this week’s menu was planned pretty hurriedly. We went out of town this weekend with some friends, and got back yesterday evening. It was a great trip. Our friends also have two small children – girls, though – and J and their older daughter had a blast playing together. J has decided recently that it’s fun to declare, “I want to play ROCK BAND!” over and over again (we don’t know where this came from; Brian plays Rock Band but J hasn’t “played” with him in months). When you picture this, you have to understand the way it’s said. He’s not whining (this time) – he bellows it out and really amps up the last two words of the statement. He apparently passed his love of saying this on to our friends’ daughter, because yesterday morning as we sat enjoying our continental breakfast they took turns shouting it back and forth to each other with huge grins on their faces. Ahh, the fun of toddlers.

Back to my point, though… we got back last night, and you know what comes with returning from a trip: a) tiredness; and b) unloading the car. Oh, and feeding two hungry little boys since we arrived at dinner time. By the time we got all settled in and had the boys ready for bed, I really didn’t feel like planning our meals for the week, let alone making a trip to the grocery store. If I waited until today to go, I’d have to take both boys with me, and that mental image was enough to get me motivated. I kept it simple this week. The good news is I also kept our grocery bill down  – $50 again this week!

Here’s what we’re having:

Monday: Chicken stir fry with broccoli, carrots, onion, and rice. I use teriyaki sauce, soy sauce, chinese five spice, and a little bit of red pepper flakes to season our stir fry. My brother and his girlfriend are coming over again, and he requested something Asian.

Tuesday: Chick-Fil-A Family Night. Definitely looking forward to not cooking! Brian won’t be able to eat with us tomorrow night, so for the cost of just my meal the boys and I will all get dinner (free kids’ meals!!). Plus, that means no clean-up. LOVE that.

Wednesday: Mexican food, of course, for Cinco de Mayo! I am going to make my mom’s recipe for Chicken Enchilada Casserole. It’s a favorite of mine – very easy, and makes a ton of leftovers too.

Thursday: We’re grilling out hot dogs and will bake some sweet potato fries to go with them. Honestly, I don’t really love hot dogs, but Brian and J do, so I’ll go for them every once in a while.

Friday: Margarita chicken with black beans & rice – I got the chicken recipe from the Copykat cookbook I wrote about a while back. Brian’s going to cook the chicken on the grill – I love spring and summer because that means we grill out all the time. So good!

Saturday: Burritos. This is a nice go-to meal for us. I cook some lean ground beef with fajita seasoning, and then we add black beans, rice, shredded cheddar, lettuce, cilantro, and salsa. It’s our version of Qdoba or Chipotle burritos at home – sometimes we’ll change up the filling, but this is our stand-by combination.

I realize that yet again I’ve procrastinated in trying a fish recipe… I think I might actually be a little nervous about it! I’m resolved to actually follow through and make seafood next week. I’m kind of glad I have my Menu Plan Monday post to hold me accountable!

I hope you all have a wonderful week! As always, if you have any recipes to suggest I try next week, share them in the comments section and I’ll include them in an upcoming post.


P.S. – Don’t forget to enter my giveaway that runs through this week! Who doesn’t want a free wallet?

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  • Amanda @ Mommy's Idea Book May 3, 2010 at 8:23 am

    We love Chick-Fil-A and that really is a great deal to pay for only one meal and get two free. I did that a while back when my hubby was out of town, but I didn’t realize that I would get both my kid’s meals free. It was a nice surprise. Enjoy your night off from cooking and cleaning.
    .-= Amanda @ Mommy’s Idea Book´s last blog ..Menu Plan Monday (5/3 – 5/9) =-.

    • Christi May 3, 2010 at 2:28 pm

      Thanks, Amanda! It’s a crazy week at work, so a night off this week is especially appreciated.

  • Rebecca May 3, 2010 at 8:57 am

    All sounds good. Great you only kept the bill down to $50 again. Gotta love it. I always struggle to keep the bill down to budget. Looks like a good mexican meal week. You are brave I think i would have skipped the meal plan monday post, but that’s just me. Anyway thanks for sharing. I’m needing some meal inspirations this week! Off to start the grocery list!
    Stop by my blog today has a fun posting!! I’m excited about it :-)
    .-= Rebecca´s last blog ..looking at motherhood together =-.

    • Christi May 3, 2010 at 2:27 pm

      Thanks Rebecca – we LOVE Mexican food around here!

  • Kristen May 3, 2010 at 10:40 am

    Yum… I am hungry now! I’m going to have to do better with my menu planning so we can save $$ too.
    .-= Kristen´s last blog ..Far Above Rubies: Proverbs 31:12 =-.

  • Jacquie May 3, 2010 at 12:44 pm

    Yummy. How do you make Chicken Enchilada Casserole?

    • Christi May 3, 2010 at 2:26 pm

      Jacquie, I added the link to the recipe – I had meant to do that originally so thanks for reminding me! :) Hope you like it… it’s a little spicy (not too much) so be careful of it giving you heartburn!

  • Jacquie May 3, 2010 at 10:47 pm

    Thanks for posting the recipe. I have been really bored on bedrest and in desperate need of a project so I decided to redo my recipe book. I am including our favorites and then I am including recipes that are budget friendly, recipes that are healthy, etc. I can’t be in the kitchen cooking yet but once this baby is born I can’t wait to get back into the kitchen. :-) I saw a delicious recipe today on Rachael Ray and I can’t wait to make it. It is for the Adirondack Red Wing Burger (it is a healthy chicken or turkey burger on an English Muffin). So now I have her recipe and your recipe to add to my book. Thanks again!

  • Charla May 5, 2010 at 11:06 pm

    Sounds like a good menu! I’ll have to come eat with y’all sometime! :)
    .-= Charla´s last blog ..Starbuck’s Frappuccinos Half-Price this Friday, 3-5 PM =-.

    • Christi May 6, 2010 at 11:03 am

      Yes, Mom, you should come eat with us! Have room on your calendar anytime soon? ;)