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I saw this on my way to work one morning, and it made me smile.
Not that I condone graffiti, but hey, at least it was something positive!
I don’t condone graffiti either, but at least it wasn’t something vulgar that you had to look at on your way to work. Nice :)
.-= Kristen´s last blog ..Step By Step =-.
Great message!
Does it mean other drivers or all people on the road?
I agree, I don’t condone but it’s a good message to remember that no matter what the situation is, “don’t stop loving.” :)
.-= Charla´s last blog ..Defragmenting Computer Hard Drives =-.
Thanks for following me back! It’s so true about the commentary…I always need to add something to “wordless” wednesday…if not I’m afraid it won’t makes sense to anyone else ;)
.-= Jessie H´s last blog ..Nearly Wordless Wednesday =-.