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Bean-B-Clean Review & Giveaway – Frugal Novice

Bean-B-Clean Review & Giveaway

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I don’t know many parents who haven’t dealt with cradle cap, so it’s a pretty safe guess that most of you could get some use out of the Bean-B-Clean, a revolutionary scalp massaging brush that’s safe, soft, & soothing – and designed to help get rid of cradle cap!

We received a Bean-B-Clean for review. I would have loved to try this when both our boys were younger and cradle cap was at its worst. I know we tried a ton of different options, including dandruff shampoo, which made me incredibly nervous around the boys’ eyes.

C, of course, is now over a year old and has a decently thick head of hair. He actually does still have some cradle cap, so I was excited to give the Bean-B-Clean a try. Now, we don’t have baby oil as is suggested on the box, so I just used the brush while we washed C’s hair at bath time.

He loved it! The bristles on this brush are so soft and they seemed really relaxing to him. We’ve used it every bath time since, just because it makes hair-washing more pleasant (a part of the bath he really doesn’t like).

After using this for several baths I think I could tell a difference in his scalp, although it’s somewhat difficult to tell with how much hair he has. I’d love to see the results with an adorably bald newborn. Regardless, I like having the brush whether attempting to remove cradle cap or not. We’ll continue to use ours as a regular part of bath time.

Would you like to have a Bean-B-Clean for your baby (or for a shower gift)? Well, here’s your chance! Bean-B-Clean has provided me with three brushes for giveaway.

Win It

There will be three winners for this giveaway. Each will receive a Bean-B-Clean and sample size of baby oil to go with it! This giveaway is open to all US and Canadian residents. Entries will be accepted until midnight CST on Sunday, August 22.

How To Enter

Mandatory Entry: Subscribe to my RSS feed and comment letting me know you’ve done so.

Bonus Entries

(Only valid after the required entry has been completed)

Please leave a comment for each extra entry – if you blog about this giveaway and get 3 entries, for example, comment 3 times.

  • Visit Bean-B-Clean.com and comment telling me a fact about the product. {1 extra entry}
  • Blog about this giveaway and link it back here {3 extra entries}
  • Follow me on Google Friend Connect {1 extra entry}
  • Follow me on Twitter {1 extra entry}
  • “Like” Frugal Novice on Facebook {1 extra entry}
  • Tweet about this giveaway {1 extra entry per tweet; 2 tweets (not back-to-back) per day}

Note: Bean-B-Clean provided me with a brush for review and is providing the brushes for the giveaway – I am providing the bottles of baby oil. My review was not affected by the product provided – honest opinions were provided and my opinion remains my own. I was not compensated monetarily.


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  • Amber Rader August 9, 2010 at 8:27 am

    That’s cool that they’ve won lots of awards and developed it because of their grandchild. We actually have something similar that our NICU nurses used on the twins. They’ve always loved the “massage” time and have never had a problem with cradle cap!

  • Jennifer August 10, 2010 at 4:02 pm

    I subscribe via google reader!

  • Jennifer August 10, 2010 at 4:03 pm

    I follow on google friend connect!

  • Jennifer August 10, 2010 at 4:05 pm

    I visited the site and learned that the product can be used daily, rather than only once like other sponges.

  • Jennifer August 10, 2010 at 4:06 pm

    I like frugal novice on fb!

  • Eric - Happy Birthday Author August 12, 2010 at 9:13 pm

    I visited the site and the Bean-B-Clean product started after a grandchild developed cradle cap. Would love to win this, but not hoping our new baby (2 months old) needs it in the future!

  • Eric - Happy Birthday Author August 12, 2010 at 9:14 pm

    Became a follower today and will be participating in Friendly Friday tomorrow.

  • Amber Rader August 18, 2010 at 1:06 pm

    If there’s only three of us entered, do we all get one!?

  • Christi August 23, 2010 at 9:04 am

    Yep, Amber, you all three get one! I’ll be mailing them out soon! :)