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Menu Plan Monday: March 28 – April 2 – Frugal Novice

Menu Plan Monday: March 28 – April 2

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Menu Plan Monday

We had a busy weekend yet again! Friday night we got to go to some friends’ house – their son is in J’s class at school, so he & C had a blast playing. Saturday was filled with errands and LAUNDRY. I think we did 8 loads throughout the weekend because we had gotten SO far behind. Brian did the grocery shopping while the boys napped and I worked on the aforementioned laundry, and we’ve decided we’re fans of this setup. It’s really nice not to get it over with earlier.

Sunday I primed our master bathroom, which we’re in the middle of remodeling. I have never been so thankful that we have a tiny master bathroom – painting the ceiling was new for me and is a pain in the neck (ha. ha. ha.) plus I had to do several coats and still will probably go back to do another. Previous owners through the years put wallpaper over wallpaper, and after many attempts at removing it we discovered that the bottom layer will not come off the drywall completely. Brian sanded it and we’re going to use textured paint to camouflage what’s left. I’ll let you know how it goes!

On to meals for the week… we didn’t end up using all of our meals from last week so some of the ones for this week are carried over.

Monday: Baked potato pizza – you can view the recipe here in my guest post at Saving Dollars & Sense!

Tuesday: Chick Fil A – last week we actually ended up going to Chili’s because they were doing free kids’ meals! The boys were really excited. (Don’t forget, by the way – I’m doing a giveaway for a $20 Chili’s gift card right now! Check over in the sidebar for the link to go enter)

Wednesday: BBQ chicken sandwiches, french fries, & corn. This is a slow cooker meal and it tastes a lot like chopped brisket sandwiches but is a healthier option.

Thursday: Beef stew. I know this is more of a fall/winter dish but it sounded good, is a slow cooker meal, and makes great leftovers.

Friday: J & I are doing a mother/son night out through our church, so Brian & C will be on their own for dinner. Somehow I’m guessing chicken nuggets will come into play.

Saturday: Beef stew leftovers; we’ll probably make some rice to go with it because Brian just got a new rice cooker that he’s using at any opportunity he has. It makes great rice – I’m so glad we got it! He’s been working really hard doing a lot of freelance projects lately so I surprised him with it. We try to be good and use extra money toward debt, but this splurge was something we’ll use all the time, and I know he’s been wanting it for a long time. Side note: we tried jasmine rice for the first time this past week and it is so good! If you haven’t tried it before I’d highly recommend it.

Have a wonderful week, everyone! Are you going to prank anyone for April Fool’s Day? ;)

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  • Rachel - Following In My Shoes March 28, 2011 at 8:42 am

    Ugh — when we renovated our kitchen (before moving into our house), we ran into the same thing . . . layer after layer of horrible wallpaper. Removing the final layer left the drywall damaged, so we just textured the wall ourselves using some compound (or whatever it’s called). Doesn’t look too shabby!

  • Gina March 29, 2011 at 12:47 pm

    Ugh, I’m redoing our dining room right now and dealing with wallpaper on wallpaper on top of paint, on top of wallpaper and then to top it off, a nice layer of wallpaper glue on chipping away paint on the wall UGH!!!

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