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Wordy Wednesday – March 2 – Frugal Novice

Wordy Wednesday – March 2

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If you read my blog last week, you saw my first installment of Wordy Wednesday. I had initially planned to use this just for myself, but my mom suggested I try adding a link-up just in case other people want to give it a try. So, while I’m fully prepared for her to be the only name on the list :) I’d love for you to join in – if not this week, maybe the next!

Wordy Wednesday is pretty simple. Post a photo, but instead of leaving readers to wonder what the back story is, talk about what’s going on in the photo, or tell a story that’s related somehow (or not – being random is fine! Just be sure & share something you think your readers would be interested in). Pretend you’re gabbing with a friend!

Speaking of gabbing, here are my photos for the week:

As you can tell, when my family goes to Target, we don’t just shop. The boys love going to Target (which may be a testament to how little there is to do in our city, or how, ahem, boring we are) and I have to admit it’s a fairly common occurrence. We have a route – yes, a set path we take almost every time we go, strategically planned to start with what we want to look at and end with toys & then books. Sometimes we get an ICEE & popcorn, which the boys think is a huge treat. We love it because they’re in better moods and we’re able to meander through the store without worrying (as much) about a breakdown.

When we go, we usually have a shopping list but we also always check out the various clearance spots throughout the store. Brian used to not really care about it but ever since he found this bargain he’s been hooked. We’ve found a GeoTrax train set for $9.99 that usually retailed (and did again the following Christmas) for $39.99, and I’ve been sucked into buying a few kitchen gadgets I didn’t really need every once in a while.

Even if going to Target for a family outing is a little less-than-exciting, we always have fun browsing the clothes, toys, and electronics. And maybe trying things on every once in a while, too.

Before I sign out, I have to share a quote from J that just took place a little before writing this post. Random, I know… that’s why I threw that part in about randomness being ok – I’m the queen of random.

Brian and I take turns sitting with the boys a little after they get in bed. Ever since I was sick with the flu, J has especially favored Brian. I’ll admit my mom ego took a little beating, but I’m hanging in there. Well, tonight Brian was busy so I sat with the boys for a little bit. J said, “Mom, I really want Dad in here,” so I asked him why. He said, “I just like Daddy better than I like you.” OUCH! I tried not to react but I guess he figured out that wasn’t the best thing to say, so he quickly added, “I mean, I like you too. You’re nice and cute. I just like Dad better.” Niiiiiice.


Ok, it’s your turn! If you feel like being a little wordy and/or a little random this week, write your post and link up below. If you want to host the link up too, just go here to get the code. The list will be open until midnight on Wednesday. Have a great week, everyone!

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  • Wendy Kilmer March 1, 2011 at 10:42 pm

    All I can tell you about that last random story is to get used to it! I have played second fiddle to Scott for a couple years now in Casen’s eyes! Luckily I’ve still got my mama’s boy Keaton (for another year maybe) before he realizes that he’s a boy and I’m not! Good news is, it’s totally normal and a healthy sign of development and bonding for boys and dads (at least according to the book I’m reading right now about raising boys). Doesn’t always make it easy on the mamas though!

    • Christi March 2, 2011 at 4:18 pm

      Good to know, Wendy. I might as well learn to deal with it early on! Anytime I can’t do something or don’t know something, J is just SURE Dad will know.

  • Shop with Me Mama March 1, 2011 at 10:43 pm

    Love the pictures, too cute!

    • Christi March 2, 2011 at 4:18 pm

      Thanks! :) My boys are used to the overabundance of photos by now, ha! Since I got my iPhone I take photos all. the. time.

  • blueviolet @ A Nut in a Nutshell March 2, 2011 at 10:18 am

    Ouch! I can see why that stung! My kids went through phases where they enjoyed being with one parent more than the other too.

    • Christi March 2, 2011 at 4:19 pm

      In all seriousness, it doesn’t bother me too much – they’ve both been momma’s boys for a while, so I think it’s Brian’s time to shine. :)

  • Charla @ Healthy Home Blog March 2, 2011 at 5:06 pm

    Christi, here’s a cute picture of you holding J & C, plus a sweet story from when you were a baby. :)

    • Christi March 2, 2011 at 9:56 pm

      Thanks! Very sweet post. :)