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Please Vote! – Frugal Novice

Please Vote!

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Today is the last day for voting in the Better Homes and Gardens State Cookie Contest! I’m currently in fifth place with my Mississippi Mud cookie recipe.

All top five recipes win a prize, so I really want to hang on to top 5. Please take a minute to go vote, and then pop over to my blog post about the cookies and get the recipe to try these yourself. They’re a sure crowd pleaser!

Thank you guys! I really appreciate everyone who has voted for me over the course of this contest!

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  • braveskimom July 31, 2011 at 10:37 am

    Hi Frugal Novice,

    Although I spent the last month trying so hard to unseat your cookie from 5th place, I have to say it looks fabulous! I look forward to making it. Congratulations on placing!

    Sincerely, Braveskimom (the Colorado cookie baker)

    • Christi July 31, 2011 at 3:54 pm

      Haha, thank you! Both of your cookie recipes look SO good too! I noticed BHG congratulated you too in their wall post on Facebook – does that mean you’ll get a prize too? I hope so!

      • braveskimom July 31, 2011 at 5:16 pm

        Thank you! I am not sure what it means, but is was nice of them to extend a prize to me. Exciting, too!