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I Am Thankful. – Frugal Novice

I Am Thankful.

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Thankful for:

  1. My husband. Brian and I met when we were just teenagers, and he is absolutely my best friend.
  2. My boys. I love the people they’re becoming, and they light up my days with their grins and the cute, sometimes quirky things they say.
  3. My parents. They are supportive and loving, and have helped shape me into the person I am today.
  4. My brother. He’s 10 years younger than me, and now that he’s in the same city as me, it’s been a wonderful blessing getting to know him as an adult, and as a friend – I’m so proud of who he is.
  5. My extended family. Near and far, they’re people I’m thankful to be connected with.
  6. Brian’s family. They’ve all taken me in and made me feel like a part of the family from the beginning of my relationship with him.
  7. Our church. We love the children’s ministry, we leave each week feeling spiritually fed, and it’s a community of people who love God and want to reflect that love onto others.
  8. Our friends, several of whom might as well be family. We are so blessed with a circle of people who love us even with all our quirks, and who are just plain amazing people.
  9. My job. Making the change from a position I’d had for 7 years was a scary leap, but I’m so happy I jumped. I love what I do each and every day, and getting to be creative makes me happy even on chaotic days. I’m blessed to have coworkers that are friends, too.
  10. Our home. It’s tiny, but it’s cozy, and it’s a safe haven at the end of a stressful day. We’ve made a ton of memories there and it will always be a special place to us.
  11. Our dogs. They are loyal parts of our family, and even though our puppy drives us up the wall sometimes we adore her and are so glad she joined our home a few months ago.
  12. Technology. I’m thankful for gadgets that let us FaceTime with people far away, that let us easily record random fun moments with the kids, and that let me take insane amounts of photos without worrying about wasting film. Kinda love DVR’s, too.
  13. Social media. Sometimes I have a love/hate relationship with it, but ultimately it allows me to keep in touch with friends all around the world and feel connected even when separated by hundreds or thousands of miles.
  14. This blog. I started it at the urging of my mom and brother almost two years ago, thinking it would be a fun hobby. I’d never have guessed how many opportunities it would provide us, and how much I’d love it even when it keeps me up late at night. It’s a ton of work, but I’ve learned so much and can’t wait to see where it goes from here. And I have to mention MomDot.com. I found this forum in January, and it’s been single-handedly the best blogging resource I’ve ever come across. I’ve learned so much from these women (& a few men!) and have become a better blogger because of it. Thankful to the creator, Trisha, for all she pours into the site so it can be a help to so many.
  15. You. Seriously. If you’re reading this, I’m thankful to you for this small act of support for my blog, even if you’ve stumbled across this post randomly. I hope you’ve got plenty on your list to be thankful for, too.

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