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Sally, our lab/golden retriever puppy, has discovered the fun of traipsing around with two little boys (she’s their “superdog” when they play superheroes) and of enjoying some downtime, too.
it’s obvious she loves them as much as they love her!
Aww, what a great picture. I love cuddling with my dogs.
Wow, I can’t believe how BIG she’s gotten! O.o
Great shot!! My dog thinks that he is related to my kids.
Such a pretty girl! (also, I LOVE your couch!)
sooo cute
How protective she is!
Looks like they are all tired out after a hard play! lol
That is so cute. Handsome boys and a beautiful lab.
OMG I love it! So stinkin’ cute!
I love this picture! What time is your appointment on Monday? Can’t wait to hear if I get to shop for pink or blue :)
That is one happy dog!
Love this picture. She looks so content!
dogs are great.
How can you not just smile and smile and smile about that?!!!!
That photo is just way too cute!
That is a happy puppy!!
OMG I love it