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When your baby gets his or her first tooth, it’s a BIG deal. You take photos of it, and you’re amazed that your baby has already reached this milestone. At least, that’s how it was for us! I remember trying to take a photo of J’s first teeth (he had two bottom teeth come in together) to show off to all the grandparents. :)
Once the boys started getting their teeth we had to think about oral hygiene, and it was not easy brushing the boys’ teeth with those little “newborn” toothbrushes. This time around I’m glad to know about Spiffies ToothWipes, which make it easy to keep little ones’ teeth clean.
I’m not sure that question was meant for this post, but between my 8 younger brothers and sisters and my 2 potty-trained kids, I’m sure I’ve changed over 1000 diapers. That number is going to be growing soon, since baby #3 is due any day!
I think my daughter will like the apple flavor the best.
I think apple would be liked best.
vmkids3 at msn dot com
I think with my son being so picky I would have to do with apple
My LO had two bottom teeth come in at the same time too! She’d definitely like the apple flavor; it’s been her favorite food for a while.
Hmmm….probably apple! :)
apple flavor for my daughter please
tcogbill at live dot com
probably apple – tho grape sounds good too
definately apple
I would choose apple.
I’m going to say he’d like apples because I eat them a lot lol.
I just love this idea! For my other babies, I used a warm washcloth for that first tooth. I think Spiffies are a much better alternative, especially with a grape flavor.
my boy would love the grape