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Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Pump Review – Frugal Novice

Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Pump Review

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I had no clue about the importance of a good pump when J was born. Of course, some people just breastfeed exclusively and don’t use a pump, but for me it was a really important tool. We ended up renting one from the hospital, and it worked well but was $45/month, which adds up quickly. With C, I bought a single electric pump. Although it served its purpose, I realized quickly that a single pump was not for me – it takes twice as long!

This time around I am excited to have the Lansinoh Affinity Double Electric Pump to use.

Lansinoh is a well-respected name in breastfeeding supplies. Their pump is affordably priced at around $129.99 (depending on retailer – I found it for more and for less at various online stores).

One aspect of the pump I love right off the bat is the capability to plug it in OR use batteries (6 AA). In most instances I’m sure I’ll use the plug, but if you’re traveling then being able to use batteries can be a lifesaver.

The flanges around the pump are a soft material (silicone, I believe) which allows for a much higher comfort level than the hard plastic many pumps have. And as you can see in the photo above, the whole unit is pretty compact – which again makes it great for traveling.

The base is pretty simple to operate with a power button, a let down button, and then buttons to to control the speed and the suction. The digital screen allows you to keep track of settings and the time you’ve used the pump.

I’ll follow up once the baby is here and let you know how it’s going using the pump, but for now we just turned it on to see. The pump is somewhat loud, but from my experience with other pumps it’s not much louder than the norm, and in most cases this won’t really matter because I pump at home. I held one of the flanges up to the palm of my hand to gauge suction, and this seems to be a powerful pump especially for the size!

The pump came with a few extras, too:

I’ll be planning to get more of the storage bags – these are great for freezing milk in to have on hand for longer-term use. They also have more of the bottles you can screw on to the pump, and I’ll probably get more of those – it makes it easier to have multiple bottles and not have to wash them each time you want to pump.

Overall I’d say this is a great, affordable pump that is easy to use. Keep an eye out for my follow-up post once the baby is here and I’ll give you some more opinions!

Note: I received this pump to facilitate my review. I was not compensated monetarily for this post. All opinions are honest and are my own.

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  • Danielle Harper July 9, 2012 at 10:33 pm

    I am one of those exclusive breastfeeding moms, but I do like to pump to have milk to mix with rice cereal and homemade baby food when baby gets a little older….. I like the size and compactness of this pump. I’ll be interested to hear how it does when it comes time for you to pump. I only wish it came with a little carrying case.

  • Bekah Kuczenski July 14, 2012 at 3:14 pm

    I like that the flanges are soft! I have been curious how this pump works so I cant wait to read your follow up to see if it worked well for you!!

    • Christi July 25, 2012 at 7:10 pm

      I agree, Bekah – the flanges being soft are one thing that are really appealing, because on an old pump I used the hard plastic ones could get uncomfortable! I have read good things about this pump in action and can’t wait to test it out – I’ll definitely post about my experience!