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Make Baby Naming Fun with Belly Ballot! – Frugal Novice

Make Baby Naming Fun with Belly Ballot!

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As I can tell you from recent experience, it can be a challenge coming up with a name for your baby! You want to pick a name that fits now, and that they’ll grow into, and that fits with your last name. Oh, and of course you also, if you’re like me, have names you want to avoid because of negative association.

Picking a name can be difficult too because you might find something you love, but then other people decide to start giving opinions. I’m not talking about people whose opinions you really value – I mean the grocery store checker or other random people who happen to ask what names you’re considering.

When we were first picking a name for our daughter, we looked at a few names in particular – Evelyn and Hazel were at the top of our list. We like old-fashioned names, but not everyone agrees with us and we definitely had people tell us they didn’t like one or both of those names for one reason or another.

Belly Ballot is a FUN way to let family and friends in on your baby naming. You pick five names and then let them vote on their favorites. For one thing, you only invite who you WANT to invite, so you’re not going to get an unwelcome opinion from your neighbor’s cousin’s girlfriend’s sister. And they’re voting on the names they like best, so you’re only seeing the positives and aren’t getting negative feedback. Plus, since it’s online it’s a way to involve friends and family that might be far away and feel disconnected.

Click here if you want to check it out for yourself or share with expectant friends – or if you’re like me and just have a blast looking through baby names. :)

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  • Heather Soble September 3, 2012 at 2:16 am

    Super cute!! I could have used this a few months ago during my baby shower…would have been better to keep the votes online than through my mother in law!

  • Laura Love September 6, 2012 at 2:04 pm

    This is a good idea. Just to give you another unasked for opinion, what we did was not tell anyone the name we chose until our baby was born. I mean no one, not even our mothers. No one was willing to say that they didn’t like our baby’s name while staring him in the face! If we have another baby, we’ll definitely do the same thing.

  • Christine Mayfield September 6, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    That’s a neat idea. I can’t believe someone would tell you they don’t like the names you picked out for your children. My hubby and I have a girl’s name picked out for baby #5 but no boy’s name. I like the idea of letting others vote to help with the decision.