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Create a Safe & Healthy Home with Seventh Generation {#HealthyBaby} – Frugal Novice

Create a Safe & Healthy Home with Seventh Generation {#HealthyBaby}

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Note: I am participating in a compensated Seventh Generation campaign with The Motherhood.  All thoughts and opinions are honest and are my own.

I’ve been a big fan of Seventh Generation products for a while, and now I have another reason to love them – they’re helping to raise awareness about all the chemicals our children are exposed to so we can try to make the world a healthier place for our kids.  Seventh Generation and The Motherhood have partnered up with Healthy Child Healthy World for a Twitter Party  tomorrow, June 25, at  noon Central time, to talk about creating a healthy environment for our babies and kids.

OpenWindowI got to go to a virtual party the other day with Seventh Generation, The Motherhood, Healthy Child Healthy World, and Stonyfield Organic –  and was really surprised at some things I learned. Like, did you know that indoor air can be more polluted than outdoor air? It’s a good idea to open up your windows and let fresh air in! I know that’s just one of many tips I’ll be employing in our home. Here are a few other actions you can take to decrease chemical exposure for your kiddos:

1.Take off your shoes at the door: 85 percent of the dirt in our homes is tracked inside on the bottom of our shoes. It’s not just dirt, but toxics like lead, pesticides, gasoline residue and more. Keep your home safer by taking off your shoes. It’s the public health equivalent of washing your hands.

2.Buy safer body care: Children are exposed to an average of 27 care product ingredients on a daily basis that have not been found safe for developing bodies. Protect your family’s health by avoiding products with ingredients like parabens, synthetic fragrances & triclosan. For a list of most-toxic offenders, download our free eBook, “Easy Steps to a Healthy & Safe Nursery.”

3.Eat more whole foods: Processed foods may be convenient, but they’re also loaded with sweeteners, artificial flavors and colorings, and synthetic preservatives. These lack nutrients and many are also linked to health issues like ADHD and even cancer.

  •  Research from the University of Washington suggests you can immediately and dramatically reduce the pesticide content in a child’s body by switching to organic foods.
  • Stonyfield Organic offers an arrangement of foods for babies, kids and adults; pure, delicious organic yogurts, smoothies, soy yogurts, ice cream and milk.
  • They are all made without: Synthetic hormones, Toxic Persistent Pesticides, GMOs, & Artificial Ingredients

4.Ban the can: Bisphenol-A (BPA), a hormone disruptor that has been linked to everything from obesity to cancer, is in the plastic resin that lines most canned goods—from soups to sodas. Look for foods packaged in glass or eat fresh, dried, and frozen options.

For more easy steps, visit www.healthychild.org/easysteps

You can also urge senators to strengthen and pass the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA) – just click here to find and message your senator!

And did you know you can host your own Healthy Baby Home Party? Healthy Baby Home Party began four years ago as a way to spread awareness of the dangers of chemicals among moms and caregivers. There will be 2,000 Healthy Baby Parties going on among moms in homes, churches, schools and more!

And, don’t miss this… you can get a $1 off eCoupon for Seventh Generation products! 


Of course, don’t forget about the Twitter party I mentioned at the beginning of this post! Please join us tomorrow, Tuesday, June 25, at 1p ET/noon CT/10a PT to learn more about this important topic while learning simple, affordable ways you can make your home safer.

Where: Twitter – follow the #HealthyBaby hashtag to track the conversation. You can see the details and RSVP via this Twtvite: http://twtvite.com/healthybabyparty – but if you don’t RSVP, you can still attend!

 Hashtag: #HealthyBaby

Prizes: Five prizes will be awarded throughout the party to participants who respond correctly to trivia questions. Each winner will receive a package of Seventh Generation products.

Hosts: @theMotherhood, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann, @SeventhGen

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