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Cleaning Calendar – Free Printable! – Frugal Novice

Cleaning Calendar – Free Printable!

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I saw a quote going around recently on Facebook that said, “I don’t want to brag, but I’m pretty mediocre at housekeeping.” It resonated so much with me that I shared it on the Frugal Novice page.

Brian and I both work full time, and we’ve got three fairly young children. We just don’t want to – and frankly, aren’t willing to – spend our whole weekends cleaning, when we could be spending quality time with the kids.

Three years ago I had the idea to create a printable monthly cleaning calendar to help myself break housework up into small, manageable pieces. It just requires a little effort each day, and it means that we’re still able to spend the most time on our priorities – namely, our family time. It’s also a way to make sure you don’t overlook something (not that I’ve ever gone months without dusting the fan blades… not me!).

Many of you probably remember my free monthly calendars; I got many emails requesting updates, and I’m thrilled to know they were helpful to others! I got behind in creating a new one each month, though, and so the idea for a perpetual cleaning calendar was born.


This is a 4-week calendar you can use over and over again; just print it out for each month and update it with the next four weeks’ dates.

You’ll notice a little bar across the bottom of each day – this is a place to assign that day’s task to a particular person in your house, but you could also use it for other notes if you prefer. There’s also a spot at the bottom to make note of other projects on your to-do list. You can see our list of extra tasks below, and notice how we’ve split up various chores among our family.


It doesn’t include making the bed, loading the dishwasher, or taking out the trash, because 1: some people (ahem… again… never us!) don’t make beds on a regular basis – or if you do, this is something you can build into your routine at the start of the day; 2: everyone acquires dirty dishes and trash at varying paces, so you’ll know when it’s time to take care of these two things.

Just click this link to get your free printable cleaning calendar, and the PDF will automatically start to download. If you like this calendar, I’d love it if you’d share it on Pinterest or Facebook so others can download it, too!

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