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Boys & Girls Clubs of America Triple Play – Frugal Novice

Boys & Girls Clubs of America Triple Play

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I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Boys & Girls Club of America. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation.

Our kids are young – 8, 6, & 3 – and Brian and I think all the time about how this is a time in their lives in which we’re helping them establish habits that might last an entire lifetime. We hope to teach them polite habits, thoughtful habits, and healthy habits. Being healthy, of course, can encompass so much – mind, body, and soul. From a young age, activities such as taking part in school sports, making friends at after school clubs, and maintaining a balanced diet contribute to the health in all three of these areas. The skills and routines practiced as children influence habits well into adulthood, and establishing healthy lifestyle patterns with our children helps them carry these skills forward for the rest of their lives. Boys & Girls Clubs of America’s Triple Play program encourages us to continue shaping our children’s future and get out and about with our family.

Triple Play launched in 2005 and has made close to 10 million connections with kids, sharing how important it is to have physical activity and proper nutrition.

Nearly 30% of kids in the U.S. are either overweight or obese, so it’s really vital to teach kids now to be healthy and active; they should participate in moderate-to-vigorous activity for at least an hour per day (and only about 25% of kids aged 12-15 in the U.S. meet that recommendation).

Like I mentioned, though, being healthy isn’t just about physical health – and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America Triple Play Program has components focused on mind, body, and soul. They’re partnering with The Coca-Cola Company and Amerigroup Foundation to motivate kids to be healthy in several ways: through nutrition & health education, by providing more access to healthy foods, by encouraging kids to avoid risky behaviors, and by teaching them to have a lifelong commitment to fitness.

The more I learned about the Triple Play program, the more I was impressed. I decided to go to their site and download their free Parents’ Game Plan – it’s filled with activity ideas and tips, and I knew it’d be a great way to start conversation with our kids about making healthier choices.


There were a lot of fun activities to choose from, and the kids debated over which ones to try first. We ended up settling on “push it with your nose”, which is a fun race where kids push items along the floor with their nose. I love that the activities provided in the Game Plan make it fun to get active, so kids are enjoying it and will want to continue to keep active!

You can start healthy habits in your kids now – it’s easy! Go download your own free copy of the Parents’ Game Plan from the Triple Play site, and you’ll be all set with all sorts of advice and ideas to get started.

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