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Give Hope to New Moms with Cigna & Samahope – Frugal Novice

Give Hope to New Moms with Cigna & Samahope

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I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the Cigna Foundation, in partnership with Samahope. I received a promotional item to thank me for my participation. Thanks to Samahope for providing the images in this post.

On Monday something pretty wonderful happened – my sister-in-law gave birth to her first baby, and I became an aunt to an adorable little boy! We drove down to Austin and got to experience the anticipation of sitting in the waiting room, glancing up at any sign of motion for my brother-in-law to announce whether they’d had a boy or girl.

The hospital we were at provided great care for my SIL and the baby, for which we were all really thankful. And here in the U.S., thankfully, great prenatal and postpartum care is a very normal thing. Unfortunately, though, not everyone in the world is so lucky. Some mothers don’t have access to prenatal care to help give their babies the best start before they’re even born, and some women don’t give birth at places with quality resources.

The Cigna Foundation has partnered with Samahope to help raise awareness and funds to improve the maternal health and safe childbirth resources provided to women around the world. And you can help, too.


Samahope is an an organization that helps fund life-changing medical treatments for women and children in need, and it makes it easy for anyone to donate and make a direct and impactful difference. Their campaign this year is the 10,000 Lives Campaign; Samahope has a goal of funding enough birth kits for 5,000 moms and 5,000 babies – 10,000 lives total. They’re halfway to their goal, and you can help.


The Cigna Foundation supports Samahope because of its focus on helping people overcome barriers to their health and well-being; this can be related to factors such as ethnicity, race, gender, age, geography or economics. The Cigna Foundation World of Difference gave a grant this year to Samahope, and the grant is helping to train local nurses and fund doctors in India to provide treatment and surgery for people in need.

I hope you’ll consider donating to this cause. Every two minutes a woman dies from preventable causes related to pregnancy and birth, when just $5 can help provide a safe birth and protect two lives by helping fund a birth kit that includes the sterile tools to enable a Skilled Birth Attendant to protect a mother and child from life-threatening complications during childbirth.

Will you help? Click here to donate – your $5 could save two lives.





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