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Cleaning – Frugal Novice
Browsing Category


Mean Green Cleaners & Degreasers Get the Job Done

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Note: I am a Mean Green Ambassador and this post is part of my compensated partnership with the brand. All opinions are honest and are my own.


With three kids and two dogs in our house, we are pretty much pros at making messes. It makes pretty perfect sense, then, for me to be a Mean Green brand ambassador. E’s excited – check out her “Mean Green” mean face!


Mean Green is known as a national – and international – superior all-purpose cleaner for the toughest jobs around your house, garage or even work. The iconic “Super Strength” formula is made with a unique blend of detergents and solvents that form a powerful heavy duty cleaner and degreaser. Lab tests prove it beats nearly every other cleaner on nearly every stain. And because it’s biodegradable, non-toxic and contains no acid, ammonia, or bleach, you can feel safe using it just about anywhere, inside and out.

Mean Green’s line-up of specialized cleaning products also include Mean Green Mildew DestroyerMean Green Orange Champ, and Mean Green Antibacterial Multi-Surface Cleaner, among others. Mean Green also has a line of products made especially for professional use.

Throughout the year I’ll be trying out Mean Green products around my house and letting you know how they work. I have to confess I kind of hate cleaning the house, so I’m excited to have Mean Green products to make it easier!

Until my next post, visit their site to learn more about the Mean Green products – you can even find coupons! You can also follow them on Facebook and Twitter.

Must-Have for Mealtime Messes

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Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes*

Our kids are 7, 6, & 2. Our youngest is still in the middle of potty training, but the other two have (thankfully!) been out of diapers for years. Just because we’re done with diapers for our boys, though, doesn’t mean we’re done with wipes. We keep Huggies Wipes in my purse and in our car so we have them on hand for any messes that inevitably pop up. If you’re a parent, you know there’s a 88% chance of a mess any given day, so being prepared is crucial – it’s a good idea to stock up on Huggies Wipes at Walmart so you’ve got some wherever you might need them.

For instance: you’re celebrating a birthday, and are having cupcakes. You know – absolutely – that there will be frosting smeared somewhere. Or in our case, you may end up having a whole chocolate frosting goatee to remove.


Huggies wipes are a lifesaver for mealtime – they’re not only great for cleaning up  sticky faces and fingers, but they’re also perfect for wiping down tables when you go out to eat.

We love Huggies Simply Clean wipes for many reasons, one of which is the triple clean layers. These are strong wipes that hold up to a lot of mess.




There are tons of ways to use Huggies Wipes, and you can see some of those in 5 videos available on the Walmart landing page:
101: HUGGIES® Wipes, the ONLY wipes with TripleClean* layers. Because Kids Outgrow Diapers, Not Messes.* #tripleclean
Explorers: Don’t let a little mess get in the way of a lot of fun! HUGGIES® Wipes helps ALL explorers stay in the adventure. #bestfriend
The Cleaner: Ice cream #fail! Watch how HUGGIES® Wipes saved the day from this on the go mess!
Pasta Baby: Question: What happens when babies and pasta collide? Answer: HUGGIES® Wipes with TripleClean* layers.
Playtime: Playtime can be a dirty job. HUGGIES® Wipes. Keep the play. Not the dirty.

Thank you to Huggies for sponsoring today’s post and inspiring me to try Huggies Wipes at Walmart!

Keeping Your Car Clean – Even with Kids!

I have three children, ages 7, 5, and 2. I feel like that statement right there probably gives you a good glimpse of the state of our car interior at most times: chaotic.

The car clutter snuck up on me gradually, so much so that I almost wasn’t even bothered by it for a while? until one day as we had our minivan’s side door open at day care pickup, I glanced into the back and saw it for the wreck it was: cereal crumbs, juice boxes, toys and all.

From that point onward it’s been a goal of mine to keep our car presentable; my standard is having it so we wouldn’t be embarrassed to offer someone a ride. Over time I’ve learned to manage the clutter and keep the car decent, and have a few tips that might help you, too. Here’s the first:

1. Package food well. I think most parents will agree it’s pretty ridiculous to suggest a no-eating rule in the car. I tried it for one week, and realized it made life harder, so I abandoned that pretty quickly. When we’re running late in the morning, it’s easier to let the kids eat breakfast on the drive to school, for instance. I’ve learned that we have to pick smart food – granola bars work well; cereal with lots of small pieces does not – and that we need to package food in the right way to help keep crumbs at bay.  When the children do bring cereal, we put it in a larger baggie, filling it only about ¼ of the way. You don’t want leftovers, because those will inevitably be spilled.

For the rest of these great tips, check out my guest post at the East Hills Chevrolet of Roslyn dealership blog!