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Frugal Novice

What to Expect: Playtex Baby Contest

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I’m now expecting #3 (that’s NOT me above, btw!) but I can still remember the “magic” of the first time I was pregnant. Everything was so new! This time around, with three years between this and my last pregnancy, there are some things that seem almost new again – like how the baby’s first kicks feel. Such an awesome experience, am I right?

What did you least expect when you were pregnant or a new Mom? We all have great stories to share, and Playtex Baby wants to hear them! Playtex Baby is holding a contest on their Facebook page, asking Moms to share candid, unexpected moments of pregnancy and motherhood. They will be selecting daily winners, as well as a grand prize winner who will be flown to LA for the premiere of What To Expect When You’re Expecting. The film will feature Playtex Baby products including the Playtex Nurser with Drop-Ins Liners and the Playtex Diaper Genie Disposal System! So what are you waiting for – log on and share your story today!

Note: I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Playtex Baby. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

All Aboard For a great Chuggington Giveaway!

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I announced a while back that I’ve been selected as a Chuggington Conductor, which means I’ll get to share all sorts of Chuggington news – and giveaways – with y’all! We just received our first Chuggington shipment and it was filled with three great Mega Bloks sets!

The smallest of the three sets is the Repair Shed. The boys thought this was fun because they’d seen it many times on the show, and they loved popping a piece of the trains off so they were “broken” and could be fixed.You’ll have to excuse the blur on J in this pic below – he was too busy playing to sit still! You might notice there are a few little tools included with this set – the boys thought they were great and I think it’s a perfect addition to let little builders feel like they’re equipped for being a train mechanic!

The next set we built was the Roundhouse Racing set. The turntable (for lack of a better word) and the garage doors that opened and closed were a big hit. The boys created a lot of dialogue for the trains while playing with this set – they talked about needing to get out of the rain, or that it was time to head out of their “house” for the day. This could easily be combined with other sets, too, to make a big scenario for playing.

They enjoyed all three sets, but the last set – Jet Pack Adventure – was definitely the boys’ favorite. I kind of thought it might be, because it’s got a huge track sloping and curving around towers, and it also has a sky rail that the trains can hook on to and soar down.

Another thing I really love about this set is that it’s big enough for both of the boys to play on at once without arguing – one plays on the track while the other plays with the sky rail, and then they switch. Perfect! Check out the set in action in this video I took while the boys played:

I know these sets will be ones the boys play with for a long time to come. It’s great too because they can watch an episode of Chuggington and then play along at home, adding to the story with their own imaginations. I really love that these sets foster creativity!

You can find all three of these sets and more fun Chuggington products at Toys R Us and Amazon. New Chugginton episodes air on Disney Junior weekdays at 7:30 AM EST, featuring your favorite characters as they navigate the rails with help from both new and old friends.

But of course I’m sure you haven’t forgotten the traintastic giveaway!

One lucky reader will win all THREE of the Chuggington Mega Bloks sets I reviewed above, with a total MSRP of almost $95.00! These sets will thrill your kids and provide hours of fun – this is a great giveaway!

This giveaway is open to all U.S. residents ages 18+. Entries will be accepted until the end of the day (midnight Central) Monday, April 30. By entering this giveaway you agree to the Official Rules.

Mandatory Entry: Comment on this post telling me which of the Chuggington trains is your child’s (or your) favorite!

(Only valid after the required entry has been completed)

Please leave a comment for each extra entry – if you blog about this giveaway and get 2 entries, for example, comment 2 times.

Note: I’m a Chuggington Conductor! I received three sets to facilitate my review, but was not compensated monetarily for my post. All opinions are honest and are those of myself and my family. The prize for the giveaway is also being provided.

Kraft Giveaway Winner

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Congratulations to Karen, the winner of the Kraft “Energize Your Day” Prize Pack!!

Happy Easter!

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We’ve enjoyed a leisurely morning, since we’re not going to church until 11:00. Easter baskets, bacon & toast for breakfast, and plenty of playing – fun morning! We also fit in a trip to the zoo yesterday. We had a blast, but how’s this for ironic timing – we got to watch the alligator be fed, and they gave him a rabbit. Whole. On Easter weekend. I told Brian I wondered how many kids asked their parents why the alligator ate the Easter Bunny!

Here are our little monkeys at the monkey exhibit:

I’m trucking along in the second trimester and just hit 17 weeks today – only 3 more weeks until the “big” ultrasound (I even put a little ticker in my sidebar to help keep track)! I’ve thought I felt movement several times throughout this past week, but most definitely did last night. I felt several little thumps, and Brian could even slightly feel them from the outside, which is crazy because it was much later with both of the boys. It may have been a fluke with positioning but it was still very cool. Can’t wait until movements are more consistent and the boys can feel them too!

A friend at work took a belly pic for me last week, right around 16 weeks. I feel like I started to show a lot earlier this time around, but have really “popped” within the last week or so.

In not-so-great news, the contract on our house fell through. HUGE bummer, especially because it really felt like the timing was working out perfectly. We know it’ll all work out eventually and are trying to just be patient and have faith that it’ll be the best situation for our family.

Alright, I’d better get outta here! Time to wrangle some little boys into getting dressed for church. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter!

And then I walked away from the computer, forgetting to click “Publish” until, oh, almost 7 hours later. Did I mention forgetfulness has been a little more rampant lately? :)

Seventh Generation Free & Clear Diapers {Giveaway!}

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I posted before about goals for choosing more natural products, and this holds especially true when we’re thinking about the kids. I love the idea behind cloth diapering, but with our lifestyle (and how hard it is for us to keep up with laundry as it is!) it’s not something we’ll pursue. So I was really excited to find out that Seventh Generation makes diapers and training pants. It allows parents to still have the convenience of disposables and the peace of mind from using a natural, chlorine-free product.


In partnership with Universal Studios’ motion picture debut of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax also known as the “Speaker for the Trees” who brings environmental truth and ecological hope to all, Seventh Generation will feature limited edition Lorax prints on all their diapers and training pants.  These prints are intended to remind parents and caregivers of the lessons of The Lorax, and encourage family reading and environmental awareness while creating a few smiles.  Discover (or rediscover) Dr. Suess’ The Lorax as you read about his legacy and messages of sustainability with your child!

The Seventh Generation family of Free & Clear baby products continues to deliver on your needs as it expanded in March with the addition of NEW Overnight Diapers. Moreover, Free & Clear diapers have been redesigned with new, improved tabs for better fit while Free and Clear training pants now have an absorbent core that is made with more renewable materials.

  • NEW Overnight Diapers are absorbent enough to keep your baby and bedding dry through the night or during prolonged travel
  • Free & Clear diapers have improved more flexible tabs that provide even better fit
  • Free & Clear training pants have an absorbent core made with more renewable, plant-based materials.  They also feature stretchy, tear away side panels for a better fit and added convenience, as well as inner leak barriers for superior leakage protection
  • Seventh Generation Free & Clear baby care products do not contain chlorine, fragrance, petroleum-based lotions or latex, and all Free & Clear products are also hypo-allergenic
  • You can register for a free The Lorax scrapbook with the purchase of any three Free & Clear diaper products, until supplies last.

We received the training pants (perfect to use with C, who is in the midst of potty training) and a copy of The Lorax (which the boys were SO excited about). In the past we’ve used another brand of training pants, and the Seventh Generation brand holds up just as well as what we’ve been using, with the added benefit of being natural.

One lucky reader will win:

  • One package of new Seventh Generation Free & Clear diaper product
  • A copy of Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax storybook

This giveaway is open to all U.S. residents ages 18+. Entries will be accepted until the end of the day (midnight Central) Saturday, April 21. By entering this giveaway you agree to the Official Rules.

Mandatory Entry: Comment on this post answering the following question: Which of the Seventh Generation Free & Clear Diaper products are you most interested in trying with your family in an effort to become more eco-conscious?

(Only valid after the required entry has been completed)

Please leave a comment for each extra entry – if you blog about this giveaway and get 2 entries, for example, comment 2 times.

Note: The Seventh Generation Diapers prize pack, product and information have been provided by Seventh Generation through MyBlogSpark.

Taking Care of Your Mental Health

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Since getting pregnant, I’ve been to the doctor on multiple occasions and have even had bloodwork drawn. I’m taking better care of myself physically than I ever do when I’m not pregnant (including getting plenty of sleep – aahhhh) and I’ve been reminded of how important it is to really stay on top of being healthy.

Very often the emphasis in society is placed on physical health, but it’s important that we’re mentally healthy too. There are a ton of different issues people might be affected by, with varying degrees of severity. It’s important to realize that there are doctors and resources out there to help with issues that plague you. Places like the PCH Treatment Center in Los Angeles, California exist to help with mental issues you might be dealing with. Clients receive an individualized treatment plan with up to five individual therapy sessions per week, group therapies, neurofeedback, DBT and holistic activities including yoga, mindfulness meditation and sleep therapy.

Whether you go see a doctor or check in to a center to receive help, make sure you’re taking care of not only your physical health but your mental health too!

Note: http://cmp.ly/3

Energize Your Day with Kraft {Giveaway!}

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I’m really excited to have been selected as a 2012 Kraft Foods Blogger – not only because it means I get to try great Kraft products early on, but also because I get to share news and great giveaways with you guys! I’ve, like most of you, grown up eating Kraft foods (who hasn’t had Kraft Macaroni & Cheese?) and it’s great to see that they’re continuing to come out with food products that people will really enjoy.

For my first post, Kraft sent me a package with tons of great things to help me energize my day – and YOU get the chance to win the very same items for yourself! I’ll tell you more about that below, so keep an eye out!

I was especially excited to get this package because now that I’m getting further along in my pregnancy, I have the need to snack throughout the day. I’m trying to be conscious of what I eat, so having some quality options is crucial for me to make smart snack choices!

We eat a LOT of peanut butter in our house. The boys want PB sandwiches for lunch pretty much every day, and Brian and I have started bringing them for our lunches at work, too. Oh and don’t get me started on our love of peanut butter with apple slices – Yum! I’m already craving some now.

Speaking of peanut butter – these peanut butter pretzels are my favorite! They’re so good and are easy to throw in my purse for a mid-morning snack.

Another snack we got to try is this caramel popcorn with a twist – it’s got a cinnamon creme drizzle! The cinnamon cuts the sweetness and adds a nice layer of flavor. These are a great sweet treat!

Kraft suggests using these marshmallows in hot chocolate or with ice cream. Can I just say I would be fine eating these on their own? They reminded both Brian and I of marshmallows from a favorite childhood cereal, and I have to admit that on a couple of occasions I’ve just poured a small handful for a treat. They’re SO good, and they’re little so they’re easy for kids to eat.

The Crystal Light energy-on-the-go sticks are great for busy moms who have a lot on their plate! I’m avoiding caffeine right now but I can already envision the day when these will be useful (can anyone say “complete lack of sleep from being up all night with a newborn?)!

I also got two coupons to try Milkbite Milk & Granola Bars (you’ll find them in the refrigerated section, by the way) and Fresh Take, which is a cheese and breadcrumb mix you can use with chicken to add amazing flavor. I have my coupons ready to go and will let you know in a later post what I think of these products. I know I’ve been curious about the Milkbite bars since seeing the commercials on TV!

Of course, beyond the food and Crystal Light I also got an adorable zebra-print lunch tote (seriously looks more like a purse than a lunch box, but it’s insulated and everything – awesome!) and a 14-piece Sistema food storage kit that I absolutely LOVE. Check out how the fork and knife are built right in to this one piece:

I hope you’ll go out and try some of the things I shared with you in this post – we enjoyed everything so much that we’ll definitely be making repeat purchases (we’re already out of the pretzels!) on our next grocery trip. But, of course, you also have the chance to win a package of your own!

One lucky reader will win the same package I received, which includes:

  • Insulated Lunch Tote
  • 14-piece Sistema food storage system
  • Snackwells Peanut Butter Pretzels
  • Snackwells Caramel Popcorn with Cinnamon Drizzle
  • Crystal Light Energy-on-the-go Sticks
  • Jet-Puffed Marshmallow Bits
  • Planters Natural Creamy Peanut Butter
  • Coupon for Milkbite Bars and Fresh Taste

This contest is open to all U.S. residents aged 18+. Entries will be accepted until the end of the day (midnight Central) Thursday, April 12. By entering this giveaway you agree to the Official Rules.

Mandatory Entry: Comment on this post telling me which of the new Kraft Foods products you’re most excited to try!

(Only valid after the required entry has been completed)

Please leave a comment for each extra entry – if you blog about this giveaway and get 2 entries, for example, comment 2 times.

Note: As a Kraft Delicious Byte blogger I received package photographed above. All opinions are honest and are those of me and my family. I was not compensated monetarily for this post. This program is not administered or sponsored by Kraft Foods or its affiliates. The prize package will be fulfilled by Kraft Foods or its agency.

RSV Awareness

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When each of our boys were born, we were very germ-conscious from the start – we had hand sanitizer at the door of our hospital room for people to use before holding our fragile newborn! With C I was especially worried since swine flu was making headlines everywhere, and hormones only exacerbated my fear of him getting sick. Thankfully neither of the boys have ever experienced any serious illness, especially while they were still newborns. It’s definitely wise to be cautious with the spread of germs when small babies’ immune systems are still so immature.

Our third child is due this fall, and I’ve already thought about the fact that he or she will be SO little during the height of winter, when sickness seems to spread especially quickly. We will definitely be taking a lot of precautions, especially with having two preschool-aged children in the house too!

One of the biggest threats to new babies is a very common virus called respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. This virus can be especially concerning because it’s extremely common and spreads very easily. RSV can live on surfaces (e.g., doorknobs, countertops, toys, bedding) for several hours and is often spread through touching, hugging and kissing. Because of this, almost 100% of children contract RSV by their second birthday. In most older children, RSV runs its course with mild symptoms similar to the cold or flu, and many parents may not even know their child has the virus. But in very young babies—and especially preemies and those with certain lung and heart diseases—it can lead to a serious respiratory infection.

A few facts about RSV that all parents, caregivers and loved ones should know:

  • Almost every baby will contract RSV by age 2, but only 1/3 of moms say they’ve heard of the virus.
  • Serious RSV infection is the leading cause of infant hospitalization, responsible for more than 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 500 infant deaths each year.
  • RSV occurs in epidemics each fall through spring. The CDC has defined “RSV season” as beginning in November and lasting through March for most parts of North America.
  • There is no treatment for RSV, so it’s important for parents to take preventive steps to help protect their child (e.g., wash hands, toys, bedding frequently; avoid crowds and cigarette smoke).
  • Certain babies are at an increased risk of developing serious RSV infection, so it’s important to speak with a pediatrician to determine if a baby may be at high risk for RSV, and discuss preventive measures.
  • Symptoms of serious RSV infection include: persistent coughing or wheezing; rapid, difficult, or gasping breaths; blue color on the lips, mouth, or under the fingernails; high fever; extreme fatigue; and difficulty feeding. Parents should contact a medical professional immediately upon signs of these symptoms.

If you’re a parent to a newborn, there are a few tips you can try to suggest for visitors:

  • Wash your hands frequently—upon entering the home and especially prior to holding the baby. Parents, and the new baby, will appreciate it.


  • Leave toddlers at home, especially during the winter months. Young children, especially if they attend day care or preschool, often carry germs and viruses, like RSV, that are easily spread.

If you’re a guest that can’t wait to meet a new baby, consider these suggestions:

  • Call before you visit. New parents need time to set up a routine and bond. By giving them time to do so before you visit, you are respecting the new family.
  • Postpone a visit if you feel that you may be getting sick, have recently been ill or exposed to illness.
  • Remember that parents know best. If you feel they are being overprotective or overly cautious, just consider that only they know what’s best for the health of their new son or daughter.
  • Offer to do something to ease their responsibilities as they spend time as a family, such as laundry, cooking or dishes. Sleep-deprived moms and dads will appreciate your help!

You can learn a lot more about RSV and prevention at www.rsvprotection.com, and check out this infographic for more details:

It’s easy to overworry about your child, especially your first. Instead of worrying, just be preventative and watch out for signs of RSV or other serious illness – then if your baby does get sick, you’ll be able to be proactive in getting them treatment as soon as possible.

Note: I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of MedImmune and received promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.

I’m a Chuggington Conductor!

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The boys have loved playing with trains for quite a while, which means that they were pretty thrilled when they discovered Chuggington. So I’m especially excited to announce today that I’ve been selected as one of 20 Chuggington Conductors! That means throughout the year I’ll be updating you on Chuggington news, plus hosting some really fun giveaways (one is right around the corner)!

Speaking of Chuggington news, the third season premieres this Monday, March 26 at 7:30 a.m. EST on Disney Junior, Disney Channel’s programming block designed for kids age 2-7 and their families! They’ll be introducing three new characters: Piper, a new Trainee, Decka, a double decker Chugger who works in the city, and Skylar, a new trainer with a very “wheels-on” teaching style.


If you haven’t ever watched Chuggington before, here’s a brief summary of what the show’s all about (that way you’re all up-to-date for the premiere on Monday, of course!):

Chuggington is a CGI-animated series that follows the adventures of Wilson, Brewster and Koko, trainee engines, each with their own unique personality and learning style. The series is set in a world much like our own with cities, villages and diverse cultures and geography. Entertainment and enjoyment are at the heart of Chuggington, but embedded within each story are important educational and developmental messages centered on learning and social-emotional development.

Visit the Chuggington Website for a huge variety of fun activities! You can also connect with Chuggington on Facebook and Chuggington on Twitter. Stay tuned for traintastic news and giveaways to come!

Note: I’m a Chuggington Conductor! Information for this post was provided, but any opinions are honest and are my own. I was not compensated for this post.

Second Trimester!

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I can hardly believe that I’m already in the second trimester – my pregnancy with C flew by, but this is seriously ridiculous! I guess this time around I’m too busy to think about being pregnant a whole lot. With my first pregnancy it felt like it dragged on forever. I scrapbooked my pregnancy, if that tells you anything. Here’s hoping I remember to take any belly pics at all this time around.

I’m at this weird stage right now, though. I don’t have nausea anymore (wahoo!) so other than still being tired & falling asleep early every night, I don’t have symptoms. And it’s too early to really feel the baby move. I Googled it (I Google everything), to see if I’m normal for thinking this stage is weird, and found out I’m not alone. I do have an appointment Monday and they should use the Doppler to let us listen to the heartbeat. I should mention that I am hungry all.the.time, which means I do a lot of planning to bring mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks to work. So anyway, I guess I’m not entirely symptom-free. I’m just apt to worry. :)

Since we have two boys, I’ve been asked quite a bit if we’re hoping for or were trying for a girl. I totally blame pregnancy hormones but I have to admit I get a teensy bit defensive when people ask that. I love having boys and it sometimes seems like that question implies that two boys is subpar, so hopefully we’ll hit the genetic jackpot this time and get a girl. But my rational, non-hormonal side does not get offended, because I know what people really mean. To answer the question, we’re completely on the fence. Another boy would be great and would fit right in. We know what we’re doing with boys. But a girl would be fun, too (and would probably be more prone to getting pedicures with me down the road than the boys will). It’s kind of nice to have this mindset, because we’ll be equally excited no matter which sex the ultrasound reveals. To be completely cliche, we are just praying for a healthy baby. True story.

Things are plugging along. Brian turned 30 at the beginning of the month, and the boys decided he needed a Star Wars party. I called around and found a bakery that would do a Star Wars cake (tired=no homemade cake!) and this is what we got:

An air-brushed cake with a plastic stand and figurines with light sabers. I wasn’t impressed, but the boys (Brian included) liked that the light sabers actually lit up, so I guess you’d call it a hit. All in all he had a great birthday with a party that included breakfast foods (his favorite).

J started soccer, which has definitely been a rollercoaster ride. He liked it a lot at first, but the first game ran long and it was windy/dusty, so then he decided he didn’t like it. At his next game, he literally stood on the sidelines and cried, refusing to play. We had a long talk about supporting your team and sticking with something, and we went back to practice this week (with a Sonic slush beforehand to sweeten the experience) – and he had fun! So here’s hoping this weekend’s game is a success. And doesn’t he look adorable in his uniform? I love that the boys on the team are so little that their shorts meet the top of their socks.

Another thing we’ve been dealing with lately is that the boys have decided they can’t stand getting water in their eyes when we wash their hair at bath time. Mind you, J was doing just fine for a long time, but C pitches fits and J’s decided to present a solid front, I guess. So, when we were picking up some soccer gear we grabbed goggles to try. The boys were in love with their gobbles and wore them all around the house.

Not, however, big fans of wearing them in the bathtub. Oh well, we tried. They’ll just have to suffer through!

As I’ve mentioned before, we’re also in the midst of selling our house right now. It’s really been a blessing that we got an offer and have moved forward past the option period and everything! I’ll be 100% excited about it once we actually close, but for now I’m cautiously excited. I’d prayed that it would work out for us to move before the baby is born, and it’s looking good for that to happen!

That’s about all that’s going on in our neck of the woods. I get frustrated sometimes because I have a heap of ideas (J’s big into saying he has a “heap of cars” or a “heap of Legos” lately, so I figured I’d give it a try) I want to share on my blog. And I totally missed posting a March cleaning calendar. But I’m excited for April and hope to post at least a couple of crafts and/or recipes – the things I like to post about best.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend – I’m excited for a picnic at the park with my guys tonight. Yay for pleasantly warm Texas days!

Del Monte Sneaker and Wii Giveaway

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In an effort to motivate people to get healthy by exercising and eating more fruits and vegetables, Del Monte Fresh Produce will give away 500 pairs of sneakers and 10 Nintendo Wii New Super Mario Bros. Pack game consoles and Wii Zumba Fitness during March to Del Monte Fresh Produce Facebook fans.
The “500 Sneaker March Giveaway,” hosted on the Del Monte Fresh Produce Facebook page, will randomly award 500 sneakers to Del Monte Facebook fans who enter the contest and ten (10) Wii packages to people who get two (2) of their friends to sign up.
To Win Sneakers:
Step 1: “Like” Del Monte Fresh Produce on Facebook.
Step 2:  Enter sweepstakes and sign the pledge to make at least half your plate fruits and vegetables and exercise more frequently.  You will automatically be entered to win one of 500 pairs of sneakers.
To Win the Nintendo Wii New Super Mario Bros. Pack Game Console and Wii Zumba Fitness:
Step 3: Click on the “Sneaker Giveaway” tab then the “Invite Friends” to share news about the giveaway with your friends.
Step 4:  Get just two (2) friends to enter the sweepstakes and you will be automatically entered to win the Nintendo Wii New Super Mario Bros. Pack game console and Wii Zumba Fitness
All entrants will be encouraged to sign a pledge to exercise at least three times a week for thirty minutes and, as the USDA recommends, make half their plate fruits and vegetables.
Del Monte Fresh Produce is committed to providing consumers with quality fresh fruits and vegetables, which are key components in leading a healthy lifestyle. The “500 Sneaker March Giveaway” was created as a way to encourage Del Monte Fresh Produce fans to exercise as well.

Meaningful Beauty Follow-Up

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For several weeks now I’ve had the opportunity to try skin care products from the Meaningful Beauty line. I have to say, it’s been really nice to have a reason to focus on taking better care of my skin! I was also surprised how easy it was to keep up with a five-step treatment. It made me realize that half of the challenge of finding time is just DOING it.

I’ve been really happy with the products. The cleanser is lighter than a lot I’ve tried before, but it does a great job of making my skin feel refreshed (and of getting makeup off at the end of the day). The moisturizer is awesome – it never once caused me to break out, which SO many moisturizers do, and I noticed almost immediate results if I put a little on whenever my skin felt dry. I think my other favorite product in the line is the eye cream. I’m noticing a few smile lines around my eyes, and I know tissue around eyes is especially fragile, so I want to be sure and take preventative measures there. I can tell a slight difference, although I don’t know if it really shows in the photos:

Before:                                                                       After:


Of course, the “Before” photo was taken first thing in the morning and the “after” was in the afternoon – I definitely look more awake in the second photo! But I can see a little difference in the lines under my eyes and on the outside corners. Overall, though, the main effect is that my skin feels healthier and doesn’t feel dry like it can tend to at this time of year.

I’d want to try Meaningful Beauty for an even longer period of time before making any claims about its ability to reduce signs of aging, but I can say 100% that I was satisfied with the regimen. I think it’s a great system for busy moms because it outlines what you need to do morning and night – and neither routine takes a long time to complete. You’re able to take care of yourself easily, which can definitely be hard to do as a mom (especially a mom to young kids, who like to burst into bathrooms at any given moment).

If you’re interested in Meaningful Beauty, you can find out more on their site.

Note: I wrote this review while participating in a test drive campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Meaningful Beauty and received a 5-step treatment kit to facilitate my review, a second 5-step treatment kit to giveaway, and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.