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Frugal Novice

Official MLB Strollers Now Available From Kolcraft!

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Note: We received an MLB stroller from Kolcraft to review. We were not compensated monetarily for this post. All opinions are honest and are our own.

If you live in Texas, you hear about the Rangers. A lot. And you see Rangers gear pretty much everywhere, too. Our boys both have Rangers shirts & caps, and we got J his first Rangers cap when he was just 6 months old! Now we have another way to show some Rangers love, with our awesome official Rangers stroller from the MLB line at Kolcraft.

From the Kolcraft site: “Now your little one can be a part of the team with this Officially Licensed MLB stroller! These umbrella strollers are perfect for quick trips or outings to the game, and kids will love riding along with their favorite team.”

The boys thought it was SO cool that we now have a Rangers stroller, and when we first brought it into the house it turned into quite the popular item to sit in. They were even eager to have their photo taken with it, which is saying something! We decked them out in their Rangers gear as a preview for what we’ll look like at the next Rangers game we attend:


This stroller is lightweight, easy to maneuver, and is sturdy, too. We love the built-in sunshade (which so many umbrella strollers don’t have). But of course the awesome red and blue design is the best part of it! The stroller  retails for $39.99 and comes completely assembled, so all you have to do is take it out of the box and you’re ready to use it! It has a lock that keeps the stroller shut when you’re not using it, so it does not come undone (really important for when you’re carrying the stroller around, or storing it someplace). The stroller also features locks on their wheels, so you don’t have to worry about the stroller rolling off with your baby inside.

Doesn’t E look ready for her first Rangers game?


The MLB strollers are perfect to add to your baseball gear. In addition to the Rangers, these other teams have strollers available:

  • Chicago Cubs
  • Boston Red Sox
  • San Francisco Giants
  • New York Yankees
  • Chicago White Sox
  • St. Louis Cardinals
  • Philadelphia Phillies

You can also get potty seats and step stools in the MLB designs – keep an eye out for an upcoming post on our great Rangers step stool – hand washing and teeth brushing has never been so exciting in our house!


May Cleaning Calendar

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Are you looking for the latest version of my free printable cleaning calendar? Click here to get the newest PDF – one you can use for each month!

How did your April cleaning go? Did you go above and beyond to get some good Spring Cleaning in? We’ve organized some more, and of course with our house on the market we have to keep it cleaner than we might otherwise!

Here’s the May cleaning calendar. Note that there’s a day off for Memorial Day – spend the holiday with your friends and family, and take the time to remember those who have fought for our country. You can always take the Friday, Saturday, & Sunday tasks and double up earlier in the week if you’re planning on traveling for Memorial Day weekend. And, as always, you can click here to download a printable PDF. I personally like having hard copies of to-do items, because it’s just so satisfying to mark them off when they’re complete!


Octonauts – Explore! Rescue! Protect! Right in Your Own Living Room

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Note: We received these Octonauts items from Child’s Play Communications to facilitate our review. We were not compensated monetarily. All opinions are honest and are our own.


My boys have liked the Octonauts show for a while now, and they were THRILLED when a box of Octonauts goodies arrived! We received the Octonauts Octopod Playset, Octonauts Gup-C and Shellington, Rescue Assortment  Action Figure Rescue 2-Pack – Kwazii & the Slime Eel, and the Octonauts Octo-Compass. The compass was a hit right off the bat – the boys used it to do all sorts of exploring around the house, and they thought the fact that it makes noises and talks was SO cool.

OctoCompass OctoPodPlayset

GUP-C Kwazii_SlimeEel

The Octopod Playset is downright awesome. It’s sturdy and well-made, it’s right on par with images kids will have seen from the show, it’s colorful, and the four pods make this an easy toy for kids to share (which is a pretty big feat in itself). It promotes creativity, for sure – the boys were acting out all sorts of different scenarios and had so much fun with it! The extra toys with the GUP-C and then Kwazii were a great addition to the Octopod and allowed for even more fun. We were all really impressed with the Octonauts toys! They’re a lot of fun to have out during or after the Octonauts show airs, too, because then it allows for the kids to actually get involved and actively play along with the storylines.


Be sure to visit the Octonauts site or the Octonauts Facebook Page to get more information. These toys are made by Fisher Price, and can be found at Toys R Us, Amazon, and other retailers.


Becoming a Runner

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RunningModelI am not an athletic person by nature. Sure, I played outside and ran around with my friends. But I never played a sport until high school – and that was only because I wanted to get out of P.E. class. I’ve exercised on and off over the years, but have never found something and stuck with it long term.

Now that we are done having kids, I decided it was time to get into gear and get healthier. I started watching what I ate, and then decided to check out our local Planet Fitness gym. I have had memberships in the past that ended up being a total waste of money, but this one appealed to me because: it was cheap ($10-$20/month), there was no contract, and the level I signed up at allowed me to bring a guest every single time I went.

For a while I stuck with the elliptical, because I could easily do it for an hour and burn a ton of calories. My friend Amanda was starting the Couch to 5K (C25K) program, though, and I (half-heartedly, really) decided to give it a try too. I won’t lie, it was a little disheartening at first – I could barely run 60 seconds at a time without being completely winded!

Now, though, I’m almost done with week 7 of the program, and I am amazed. Amazed that I’m able to run 2.5 miles now, and amazed that I’ve stuck with this for 7 weeks. Each week was a challenge, but achievable. And week 5, day 3, when I ran 2 miles straight for the first time, was an awesome experience that started to give me confidence that I could really become a runner.

I know I’ve got a long way to go. After all, my first real 5K where I attempt to run it all is coming up at the beginning of May. I’ve been running on a treadmill for the most part, and I know running outside is much more challenging. I’m planning on getting in a couple of outdoor runs before the 5K to prepare a little more for that, and I’m trying to mentally stay strong, reminding myself that I can do this. That I never thought I could run one mile, let alone 2.5, and look where I am now! And that I can keep doing more and running farther if I don’t stand in my own way.

The challenge of becoming a runner hasn’t been easy, but it’s been more rewarding than I could have imagined. I won’t lie – my 2.5 mile run last night was tough. But I powered through and finished, pushing out any thoughts that I couldn’t do it… and the ability to do that is just as valuable to me as being able to physically run the miles.

I also have to give credit to some people who’ve specifically inspired me on this journey. Amanda, of course, got me into this whole C25K thing to begin with. My friends, Chemese, Nathan and Megan have all overhauled their eating and exercise, and their running is what first planted the seed that maybe, just maybe, I could do this too. And my friend Jennifer, who is on this running journey too, is a great motivator and encourager.

I’ll leave you with a couple of quotes that have been inspiring for me. The first is one my boss mentioned to me as being her favorite, and I love it for any aspect of life. And the other is a running quote that is helpful for me to remember when I feel like I’ll never be as fast as all the other runners around me. And please, if you’re thinking of starting something to better your life, take the first step. The end goal may seem so far away, but you know you can take that first step. You’ll quickly discover that the next step is within your reach… and the next, and the next, and the next…



Crayola’s Big Colorful Birthday Adventure

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Our boys LOVE to color. I bought them the Crayola tower of crayons a while back, and they have had a field day each filling pages of their own drawing pad. It’s so much fun seeing their creativity come out, and I can remember my own love of drawing and coloring first starting as a child. Crayola has been around for a long time impacting kids and helping them be creative!


To celebrate their 110th birthday, the 8 original crayons are throwing a birthday bash at the new fun-omenal Crayola Experience, the world’s only interactive Crayola family attraction. Right now, they’re out on a colorful adventure to spread the news, and you’re invited to join the fun!

How can you join in on the fun? You can FOLLOW the crayons on their adventure, LEARN more about each color and enter to WIN a trip for 4 to celebrate their birthday and the Grand Opening of the all new Crayola Experience this coming May, 2013!

Visit the Crayola Facebook page and click “enter now” for your chance to be first in line when the Crayola Experience reopens.

The new Crayola Experience features four floors of new interactive exhibits and one-of-a-kind attractions that will bring the magic of color and your child’s creativity to life! The winner will be among the first to experience the fun, along with a three- night, all-expenses paid stay. It’s an experience your kids will never forget – and neither will you!

Note: Crayola provided information for this post. I am receiving a pack of crayons as thanks for this post. I am not being compensated monetarily. 

Jorge Cruise’s Top 5 Foods to Avoid… and 5 to Indulge in, Too!

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I’m in the midst of training for my first “real” 5K (more on that later), and am on a quest to get in better shape, so I thought this info from author Jorge Cruise was fitting to share!
JORGE CRUISE is the #1 New York Times bestselling author of over 15 weight loss books. His mission is to guarantee weight loss for busy people. Science has proven that fitness begins in the kitchen, not in the gym. By merging breakthrough dietary science with great taste he produces delicious fat melting menus. He has appeared on numerous television shows like Anderson Cooper, The Today Show, Dr OZ, The Rachael Ray Show, Good Morning America, The View, The Talk, LIVE with Kelly and Michael.
Top 5 Foods to Avoid
For anybody trying to lose weight out there, we have all heard the mantra’s of eating less or exercising more, but the new dietary science confirms that all we need to count is Sugar Calories for Extra Easy Weight Loss. I am about to show you 5 foods that you may think are healthy, but are actually spiked with Hidden Sugar Calories!!
  1. Whole Wheat Bread
  2. Couscous
  3. Quinoa
  4. Sweet Potato
  5. Brown Rice
Top 5 Indulgences to Include
For anybody trying to lose weight out there, we have all heard the mantra’s of eating less or exercising more, but the new dietary science confirms that all we need to count is Sugar Calories for Extra Easy Weight Loss. I am about to show you 5 foods that you should indulge in!!
  1. Pancakes
  2. Strawberries
  3. Jorges Chocolate Lace Cookie
  4. Wine
  5. Chocolate

I’m also getting to share one of his recipes with you – Jorge’s Chocolate Lace Cookies! This recipe is for 24 cookies:

  • 2 sticks butter, softened
  • 2/3 cup xylitol
  • 1 tspn vanilla extract
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup almond flour (about 1/2 cup almonds ground in a coffee grinder)
  • 1/4 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
  • 1 cup stevia sweetened whey protein powder
  • 1 tspn baking powder
  • 1/2 tspn salt
  • 4 oz dark chocolate (85% or great), chopped
  • 1 cup chopped walnuts
  1. Preheat oven to 350° F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment paper; set aside.
  2.  Beat together butter, xylitol, and vanilla extract until ight and fluffy.  Beat in eggs one at a time.
  3.  Whisk together almond flour, cocoa powder, whey powder, baking powder, and salt in a separate bowl.  STir dry ingredients into butter mixture.  Stir in chopped walnuts and chocolate until combined.
  4.  Spoon heaping teaspons of batter 2″ apart on prepared baking sheet.  Place in freezer for 5 min.  Remove and bake for 9-10 min.  Cookies will be lacy and spread during baking.  Cool cookies completely on baking sheet.
  5.  Store in airtight container.  Cookies crumble when exposed to air.

For more on Jorge’s current methods, please visit http://jorgecruise.com/the-method/

For more about Jorge, please visit http://jorgecruise.com/about-jorge/

For more information about Jorge’s books, please visit http://jorgecruise.com/the-books/

Not Just Cleaning… Healthing! LYSOL’s New Initiative

With kids in the house, cleaning takes on another vital role beyond just having your house look nice. You do it to stop the spread of germs, too! It took me a while to learn this lesson. When Brian and I were first married, I cleaned for aesthetics. I wanted our place to look nice, and I feel better in a clean space. I didn’t really think about germs other than making sure I washed my hands often.

Now that we have three kids, and especially with having an infant in the house, we are very conscious of how quickly germs – and illness – can spread. We’ve seen firsthand how the stomach bug can go oh-so-quickly from our older son to our younger one. And I even recently had the unpleasant experience of catching a stomach bug from our 6-month-old daughter. While I’d much rather be sick than have one of the kids catch an illness, I think everyone knows that when mom is out of commission it makes everything harder! It’s vital that we all stay well, and LYSOL recognizes the importance of that with our cleaning habits.

LYSOL has introduced the concept of Healthing, which is the extension of LYSOL and its Mission for Health. This is the motivation behind the creation of their products that are centered on killing 99.9 percent of germs and providing solutions for the home that help promote good hygiene and disinfection. The idea of Healthing goes beyond cleaning – and looks more holistically at how a healthy home helps to keep families thriving.

For LYSOL, Healthing goes beyond its products to provide the education and motivation to keep a healthy home and family.  This includes:

  • Connecting with 65,000 schools to promote healthy habits and good hygiene.
  • Providing educational programs that reach 50 percent of new moms with health and wellness related to caring for their newborns.
  • Working with trusted third-party organizations to promote the ideas that Healthing embodies, which include the National PTA, the Global Hygiene Council and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners, to name a few.

LYSOL has some tips for keeping your house clean AND – more importantly – healthy. Here are a few of my favorites:

  1. Don’t let spring cleaning overwhelm you – take it one room at a time and stock up on products that will help you to get the job done effectively, including LYSOL® products, paper towels, sponges, and trash bags. (Check out my cleaning calendar for an easy schedule of doing a little cleaning each day!)
  2. Know the difference between cleaning and disinfecting! Both are important components of the Healthing process and LYSOL® has products that can help with all related tasks. While cleaning and organizing is certainly important, killing germs on commonly touched surfaces can lower the risk of spreading bacteria and viruses between members of the family. (I LOVE this one because it’s simple but so true – it’s easy to disinfect while you do your standard cleaning, just by using great LYSOL products that allow you to get rid of germs easily).
  3. Don’t forget to disinfect places that you don’t see or think about often, like the door knobs, cabinet handles or sink drains. (YES! I’d add remotes, video game controllers, keys and phones to this list too).
  4. Make it a family activity and tailor tasks to specific age groups.  Give younger children simpler, one-step tasks like dusting or picking toys up off the floor, and save the more complex jobs, such as vacuuming, scrubbing, and disinfecting for older members of the family. (This is a great way to develop good habits in your kids from an early age. We are really starting to work with our boys on helping us with the cleaning.)

LYSOL disinfecting wipes are a staple in our house. We use them for cleaning countertops, our dining table, spills and more. I also love them for cleaning off hard-surface toys. What do you use for keeping your house clean AND your family healthy? Do you have any favorite cleaning tips?

You can find out more about LYSOL’s Healthing initiative on their website or Facebook page, and can also view their guidebook!

I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for LYSOL®. I received a promotional item to thank me for participating.

Healthy Veggie Pizza & Delicious Stuffed Cinnamon Roll Bites – Recipes

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GreatValue_CreamCheese_Crescents Can you believe Spring is already here as of today? It seems like the first quarter of the year has flown by, but I’m ready for nice weather, playing outside with the kids, grilling, and having friends over.

We got a jump on ideas for delicious spring treats last night at my Great Value baking party – and everything we made just involved a few ingredients – so easy!

We decided to make something savory and something sweet, and the starring ingredients in both dishes were the Great Value crescent rolls and cream cheese spread. I love having dishes with overlapping ingredients, because it makes it cost even less to provide great food when you entertain – not to mention the lower Great Value prices to begin with!

So, I’m sure you’re curious about what we made, right? First let’s talk about our savory dish – cold veggie pizzas shaped to look like carrots! These are a fun way to introduce veggies into your kids’ meals, and with Easter around the corner you can remind them that bunnies love to eat carrots, so they should eat some too!

For our pizzas, first we rolled out crescent roll dough into sheets on baking pans, and baked them at 375 degrees until they were golden brown. Then my friend Amanda chopped up broccoli into fine pieces, while my friend Kristi did the same with carrots.

GreatValue_SpreadingDough   GreatValue_ChoppingBroccoli   GreatValue_ChoppingCarrots


Once the dough is baked, we just cut out cone-shaped pieces. We made ours small, but you could easily make these bigger for a more substantial pizza piece. Then just spread each piece with cream cheese, and sprinkle with carrots and broccoli! The idea is to make the broccoli look like the leafy part of the carrot, but you can approach the design however you like best.






These are REALLY good – I’d had something similar before, so I knew I’d like these, but my friends were a little skeptical. These won them over, though, and I think they’ll be making them in the near future!  My friend Jennifer’s daughters liked them, too:



Now, on to the sweet treats (always my favorite part)! We made stuffed cinnamon roll bites – and let me tell you, these are AMAZING. Like, so good I can’t even convey it with words… you will just have to make them for yourself.

For this dish, all we needed was the crescent roll dough, cream cheese, cinnamon, sugar, powdered sugar, and vanilla.


We mixed up a cinnamon-sugar combination to coat our crescent roll dough. We tore off small pieces to fit in a fun bunny-shaped muffin tin I bought, coated each one on both sides, and pressed it into each of the bunnies.




Then we mixed up 1/2 cup of cream cheese, 1/4 cup of powdered sugar, and 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla to use as a filling.


For these small bites we just used a tiny spoonful, not filling the cavity up completely. Then we topped these off with another piece of cinnamon sugar-coated crescent roll dough.



Once these baked and cooled just a bit we popped them right out (easy with the silicone pan!) and had adorable little bunny-shaped, stuffed cinnamon roll bites. The tops of these are slightly crispy and the bottoms are gooey and amazing. We flipped ours upside down because the bottoms showed the bunny shape a little better. Aren’t they adorable?


You could easily modify these with other shapes, or you can do like my friend Jennifer did and make roll-ups – she coated a full triangle of crescent roll dough with the cinnamon-sugar mixture, spread it with the sweetened cream cheese filling, and rolled it up like you would a normal crescent roll. YUM!

I hope you’ll give both of these fun spring treats a try – and don’t forget you can make other easy desserts with Great Value cookie dough – I think we’ll be making Easter cookies soon!

Note: I am participating in the Great Value program with The Motherhood. I have been compensated for my time.  All thoughts and opinions are honest and are my own.



Give Cheer with ProFlowers this Spring!

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I don’t know if you’re like me, but I think fresh flowers are an instant mood-brightener. I love looking over and seeing a pop of color on my desk at work, or on our dining table at home. And as Spring is right around the corner, it only makes sense that flowers are a perfect addition to add some cheer for you or your loved ones.

ProFlowers.com has a ton of options perfect for Spring and for Easter. I love their bouquets, wreaths, and gift sets – so fun! I got the chance to receive one of their bouquets – the Deluxe Shower of Flowers.


You know it’s going to be a good day when this box shows up at your desk!



Everything comes packed really well so that your flowers are kept safe and sound!


My flowers on the day I received them. I will say the bouquet was quite a bit darker than I realized it would be, but everyone commented on how pretty the flowers were. Even more impressive? The flowers just get prettier as the days go by. Check out how the bouquet looked 5 days after I received it:


So, be sure and check out ProFlowers for amazing Easter decor – and not just bouquets! Click the link above and you can see the variety of great items they have available. And don’t forget, they always have great coupon codes available!

Note: I received a bouquet to facilitate my review. I was not compensated monetarily for my post. All opinions are honest and are my own.



Free Cleaning Calendars are Back!

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Are you looking for the latest version of my free printable cleaning calendar? Click here to get the newest PDF – one you can use for each month!

Last year I started posting cleaning calendars, and then ended up tapering those off. They’re helpful for us, and I hope they’re helpful for others, so after a request to bring them back, here’s a calendar for April – perfect timing for spring cleaning! I will plan to continue these calendars throughout the year, and if you have any tips or suggestions please let me know!  Click here to download a high-resolution, printable PDF of the calendar.



Since March is almost halfway over, I didn’t make a full-fledged calendar, but here are cleaning suggestions for each day through the rest of this month starting on Sunday:

  • Sunday, March 17: Laundry Day; Sweep & Vacuum all floors in the house
  • Monday, March 18: Surface clean living room & kitchen (put away items, dust)
  • Tuesday, March 19: Surface clean bedrooms (put away items, dust)
  • Wednesday, March 20: Sweep front porch and sidewalk; rake leaves
  • Thursday, March 21: Clean bathrooms (toilets, showers, floors, walls, counters, mirrors, sinks)
  • Friday, March 22: Clean doorknobs, phones, remotes, switchplates – anything that’s repeatedly touched
  • Saturday, March 23: Clean all interior windows and window sills
  • Sunday, March 24: Deep clean living room (mirrors, baseboards, artwork, etc.); spot clean carpets
  • Monday, March 25: Vacuum and sweep all floors in the house
  • Tuesday, March 26: Mop hard surface floors in house
  • Wednesday, March 27: Clean out refrigerator (& wipe down shelves) & pantry
  • Thursday, March 28: Surface clean bedrooms & extra rooms (office/den)
  • Friday, March 29: Sweep front porch and sidewalk
  • Saturday, March 30: Clean exterior windows; remove screens if needed, or do a quicker clean if short on time
  • Sunday, March 31: Laundry Day: Wash rugs, curtains, and other items you don’t regularly wash; sweep back porch/deck and spray down with hose if needed

Great Value Spring Party Prep

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I can hardly believe Spring is right around the corner! We’ve survived the time change, and now we’re looking forward to warmer weather, longer patches of sunlight, and lots of fun outside.

It also means it’s about time for my next Great Value baking party! I am looking forward to another excuse to get together with friends and bake some delicious goodies – and without spending an arm and a leg on supplies.  This party I’m going to focus on some good crescent roll recipes. I’ve loved crescent rolls for a long time, and they definitely add a great flavor to all sorts of recipes, both sweet and savory.

One thing we’re going to make is some mini, bunny-shaped sopapilla cheesecakes. I bought this silicone mold at Walmart:


What we’ll do is take small pieces of crescent dough and coat them with a cinnamon/sugar mixture, then press them into the bottom of the molds. Then I’ll put a dollop of sweet cream cheese filling in the middle, and then top with another piece of crescent dough. I’m excited to see how these turn out, because I think they’ll be adorable AND delicious.

For the savory side, we’re going to make some veggie “pizzas” in the shape of carrots, an idea I got from Hungry Happenings. So cute, easy, and it’s a way to sneak some veggies into your kids’ diets.



I bought my veggies and cream cheese along with the crescent roll dough, so I’m all set!

Veggies CreamCheese

And last but not least, since crescent rolls are pretty delicious all on their own, we’re going to make some “bunny buns”; all we have to do is roll the dough into a rope and twist to make a cute addition to meals your kids will love. I’ll show you the trick to those in my next post, along with photos from the party! Be sure and check back for the pics, recipes, and tips for some great Spring snacks and treats – I’ll share a cookie recipe with you, too, so you can use your Great Value cookie dough for some adorable desserts. Can’t wait!

Note: I am participating in the Great Value program with The Motherhood. I have been compensated for my time.  All thoughts and opinions are honest and are my own.

LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge Follow-Up

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Well, we finished up the 21-day challenge, and our mouths are feeling “nice and shiny” as our three-year-old would put it! We’ve welcomed this opportunity to discuss oral hygiene with the kids and why it’s so important, and we are glad to be building great habits with them early on.

It was easy for Brian and me to incorporate using mouthwash into our routines, but we knew we wanted to make things fun for the kids so that they wanted to participate! Our three-year-old is still a little young for the mouthwash, but he is becoming a pro at brushing his teeth and getting all the nooks and crannies. We have a song that we sing throughout the two minutes of brushing – here’s a little peek of that song, & of C showing off his toothbrushing skills:

J – our 5-year-old – has been great about brushing for a while, but using mouthwash was new for him when we started this 21-day challenge. Here’s a video of him trying it out for the first time, and a little song we made up to go along with our toothbrushing song… we figured it was only fitting for the challenge!

Our mouths definitely feel cleaner after participating in the challenge – it’s hard to explain, but there’s just a freshness you get from using Listerine that covers every inch of your mouth, and it makes you realize how much you’ve been missing by just brushing. We’ll definitely be sticking with the challenge well beyond the 21 days, and we know our mouths will the better for it!

Don’t forget, you can participate in the challenge too. Be sure and pop over to Listerine’s Facebook page and sign up!

Note: I received products from Johnson & Johnson Healthcare Products Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. and The Motherhood as part of my participation in the LISTERINE 21 Day Challenge. All thoughts and opinions expressed in this post are honest and are my own.